


Build their home
时间:2021-04-23    浏览:1380

Spring comes, it is time to take off the thick clothes and put on the beautiful clothes to have fun. Spring is the season most vigorous and exciting.


Zhangjian Ichthyosis Care Center organized volunteers to held a "Build their home" activity for stray animals.

There are currently as many as 1 billion stray cats and dogs in the world according to statistics. They are live with very bad situation. They lack food and safe resting places,they also often in face of unimaginable violations.


Therefore, Zhangjian Ichthyosis Care Center organized volunteers to build waterproof "pet houses" where stray animals can rest in places.


At the same time, volunteers are also actively helping animals to clean up their living environment,also contributing to the protection of the environment.

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After the "pet houses" was set up, volunteers also put food and clean water for stray animals in it. We hope these stray animals can also feel the warmth of spring through this way.


Respect these little lives, respect nature, so that we should fulfill our responsibilities.


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鱼鳞病建鱼行动公益项目     技术支持:lc787